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Due to the increased efficiency and frequency of digital payments, Zazba Trust has implemented a refund policy for donations and membership fees to ensure the fair and transparent handling of refund requests. All contributors and members are advised to be cautious when making donations, as per Zazba's guidance. Zazba acknowledges that donations or memberships may be made in error, or donors might occasionally change their minds. Upon request, Zazba will review refund requests for donations and will attempt to deactivate memberships. The decision to grant a refund depends on the sincerity of the request. Zazba may also require the user to provide a suitable justification and explanation. Additionally, further proof of the user's identity and documentation of the donation will be needed. In light of this, Zazba does not guarantee that contributors will receive their funds back. Refund requests are not obligated to be granted, and Zazba Trust reserves the right to refuse any such claims at its discretion, especially if a tax exemption certificate has been issued.

Refund Policy

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